Home Maintenance

Five Tips For Steam Cleaning Your Carpet


As the foundation to your room’s décor, your carpet will always be subjected to unavoidable dirt and grime. And according to former EPA director, Michael A. Berry, the leading cause of poor air circulation in an inhabited space is poor carpet care. So to avoid allergies, it’s recommended that the carpet is regularly cleaned using a vapour steam method.

Though this isn’t a complicated process, there are several tips you should keep in mind while steaming:

1   Prepare

The process will take anywhere between 6-24 hours, so pick a day when the room will be free for at least 24 hours. Take everything off of the floor that can be moved, and vacuum the area as you go along. If there are any stains on the carpet then treat them beforehand to avoid the steamer cooking the stain into the material.


2    Test

After reading the user guide, you must remove all air bubbles from the steamer. Turn it on and release some steam for around 15 seconds. Then take a small patch of carpet and test the formula on the material, if it reacts badly then switch formulas. There are several Ladybug formulas that are fibre-specific and perfect for keeping your carpet soft and long lasting.

3    Begin

Just like with a standard vacuum cleaner, push and pull the steamer slowly and precisely back and forth throughout the room. Use any necessary attachments for hard to reach areas. Start at the back of the room and edge closer to the door to avoid standing on wet areas. As you do this, keep an eye on the water tank. The clearer the water; the closer you are to being finished.

4    Done

Once it’s fully steamed, go over it again from a different angle to get every last carpet fibre. Only re-steam as many times as your user guide suggests to avoid damaging the carpet. Now simply leave it to dry.

5   Afterwards

Before moving any furniture back into place, check that the carpet is 100% dry, and that the room is breathable. These steps should be repeated every five to seven months.

With a clean carpet your chances of dermatitis or catching the common cold will decrease greatly. Which just goes to show that if you take care of your carpet, then your carpet will take care of you.

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