
4 Fountains You Must Visit When In Rome


The capital of Italy is a place filled with beauty and history. Points of interest often include the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Pantheon. A trip to Rome isn’t complete without exploring at least a few of the fountains the city has to offer. Here are four can’t-miss fountains in Rome.

  1. The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain, or Fontana di homi Trevi, is located in the Quirinale district of Rome. Designed by Nicola Salvi, construction of this fountain began in 1732. When completed in 1762, it stood at 84 feet tall and approximately 65 feet wide. Coins thrown into the fountain are collected each night and donated to a charity that helps those in need buy groceries. The Trevi Fountain has appeared in several movies, including The Lizzie McGuire Movie and Roman Holiday. Other sites to see when you visit the Trevi Fountain include Quirinale Palace and San Marcello al Corso. You can also take a scooter, bike, or food tour depending on your interests.

  1. Fountain of the Four Rivers

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, or Fountain of the Four Rivers, is at the center of the Piazza Navona. Commissioned by Pope Innocent X to be designed by Bernini, the fountain represents the four continents known at the time: Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Construction was met with considerable opposition because families were struggling to survive a severe famine at the time. Nonetheless, the project saw completion in 1651. When visiting Piazza Navona, you can also check out the Gladiator Museum, take a cooking class, explore the Church of St. Louis of the French, or go to a wine bar.


  1. Triton Fountain

Triton Fountain, also known as Fontana del Tritone, is located in the Piazza Barberini. Bernini’s first official commission, completed in 1643, the fountain features a massive, muscular Triton (a minor sea-god from Greek mythology) rising from the center. After checking out the Triton Fountain by sure to see what else the Piazza Barberini has to offer such as scooter tours, spas, eating establishments, and even a sailing tour if being on the water appeals to you.

  1. The Fountain of Frogs

Fontana delle Rane, or the Fountain of Frogs, gained notoriety when the Beatles stepped into it while fully clothed. It stands in the Piazza Mincio in the Coppede quarter,  which is a hidden-away little spot that people call the fantasy district. The area was designed by architect Gino Coppede, who used several different styles, including Baroque, ancient Greek, and medieval. Piper Club is where Nirvana, Pink Floyd, and the Rolling Stones would hang out.

When visiting Rome, you don’t want to skip seeing at least of few of the more than 200 fountains in the city. They are a part of the culture and history and will only add to your experience visiting Rome.

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