Home Maintenance

5 Household Chores to Think Twice About


Daily chores can dominate your life if you’re not careful, leaving you little spare time or energy. But is every one of those onerous tasks always necessary? Take a closer look at the jobs on your “do list” – you may find that some can be skipped. Here are five examples of potentially pointless tasks. They may help you think of others you could bypass.

1. Cleaning windows
Check the weather forecast before cleaning your windows. A storm will spray the windows with dirty water while a dry wind may plaster them with dust, so if either are heading your way, you’d be wise to wait until they’ve blown over before fetching your cloth, bucket and ladder.


2. Vacuuming the kitchen floor
Your kitchen floor may be accumulating crumbs, but there’s no point in clearing them up if you’re about to prepare another meal. Cook and eat the food first to save having to sweep or vacuum twice over. If the sight of the crumbs takes your appetite away, eat by lamplight or candle glow.

3. Ironing a shirt
If you’re about to iron a shirt, ask yourself if you really need to iron it. If it’s going to be hidden under a sweater or coat all day, the answer is probably “No”.  If there’s a small chance you may shed the outer clothes, just iron the front of the shirt and give the sleeves a quick press. The same logic applies to any other garment you intend to wear under an outer layer. The less ironing you have to do, the more time you will free up for leisure.

4. Weeding the flowerbeds
Before stepping out into your grounds to weed the flowerbeds, consider whether the job is really necessary. If winter is on the way, they’ll probably die off in the cold weather. If it’s springtime, a bloom of new leaves and flowers will probably soon cover the weeds. If it’s summer, the greenery you take to be weeds may actually be flowers on the verge of opening out – or some of them may, at least. In short, it could be worth leaving the task a few weeks to see if it’s really necessary and having some relaxation instead.

5.  Peeling fruit and vegetables
Certain fruits, such as apples, pears and plums, are wholesome and tasty to eat with their skins on, both cooked and raw. Some vegetables can also be delicious when served in their skins. Potatoes and carrots, for instance, are particularly flavorsome when cooked with the peel on. Most of their goodness is stored just below the skin – another good reason to serve them intact. If you’re in the habit of peeling your fruit and vegetables, try bypassing the task next time. It’ll save you both time and vitamins.

Every home needs to be kept in a hygienic condition, and some degree of order is pleasing to the eye and convenient for your needs. But remember – you only live once, so make sure you allow yourself time and energy for some pleasure in your day. Your life is worth more than your home.

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