Home Maintenance

7 Tips for a Low-Maintenance Garden


Being busy doesn’t mean that you can’t have a neat garden to enjoy all year round: You simply have to use a low-maintenance design. The following tips can set you on the right path.

1. Weed control

For any garden, low maintenance or otherwise, you need to reduce the possibility of weeds to a minimum. A proven method is to use weed control fabric before you do any other work. You can then put grass, slate, or whatever else you intend to use as ground cover on top. The fabric is relatively inexpensive and keeps weeds at bay for many years. You’ll still have weeds that develop from seeds blown into your garden or dropped by birds; but these have shallow roots and are relatively easy to remove.

2. Trees and shrubs

In the fall, many trees and shrubs lose their leaves. If you don’t dispose of the leaves promptly, they rot and can prove unsightly and hard to scrape up. To avoid the work that collecting leaves involves, plant evergreen varieties of trees and shrubs that retain their leaves. If you’re unsure about these varieties, seek help at your local garden center. Similarly, ask for advice about low-maintenance plants such as ornamental grasses and lavender.

content image trees


3. Rockery

A rockery can be a fascinating low-maintenance feature. The materials you need to make one are rocks, gravel, and alpine plants. Ensure that the soil for your rockery drains well, though. To help with drainage, dig horticultural sand into the soil beneath the gravel.

4. Aggregate and slate

Aggregate and slate chips are invaluable for a low-maintenance garden. They add texture and color, especially when spread alongside a paved area or grass. They are also useful for covering weed-prone patches. If you have such a patch, dig out the weeds, lay weed control fabric, and put the aggregate or slate chips on top to a depth of approximately an inch-and-a-half.

5. Artificial grass

Once a lawn starts to grow in the spring, you have to cut it regularly. Artificial grass, otherwise known as synthetic lawn, saves time and looks effective. If you lay the artificial grass yourself, please note that you need to spread a base of sand on top of weed control fabric. You’ll also require pins to hold the grass in place.

6. Paving and decking

Paving and decking can cover large stretches of garden and provide low-maintenance areas for outdoor leisure. Paving is available in different colors, sizes, and finishes. You can even use marble for a glossy finish, although you need to bear in mind that it becomes slippery after rain. Use wooden or composite decking as an alternative to paving or to complement it. However, decking does require painting every few years to stop it rotting.

7. Ponds

Perhaps surprisingly, a pond can be low maintenance. You do need to clean it from time to time, but it forms a focal point for your garden that is calming and attractive. Moreover, aquatic plants in and around a pond can create splashes of color and interest.A garden is a key part of your home. If you lead a busy life, it can be worth planning your garden as a low-maintenance area for outdoor relaxation. The tips given above will help.

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