RV Life: Choosing The Right RV

RVs are everywhere on the road today, with so many different types available for people depending on their needs. Some choose to vacation, while others call their RV home. For anyone considering investing in an RV, and potentially a tow vehicle, coming up with a realistic budget before starting the hunt will save a headache …

7 Ways You Can Save More Money in 2022

Saving money helps protect your financial situation in an uncertain economic environment. It also allows you to better grow your financial status because you have more money to invest in growing your wealth. By using strategic money-saving tactics in the long term, you can start saving for an earlier retirement or other lifestyle change. With …


Ten Tips to Beat Holiday Stress By Jay Watkins

The holiday season is the most stressful time of the year for many people. The crowded malls, last minute shopping, Christmas parties, cooking, cleaning, wrapping, planning, and traveling all combine to weary even the heartiest souls. Don’t let this holiday season drag you down. Be prepared with these ten tips to beat holiday stress. Tip …

 Five Ways to Travel Safer in Europe

Five Ways to Travel Safer in Europe News headlines screaming terrorist attacks in Europe raise concerns about tourist travel there.  The real question, however, is this: Is Europe any less safe than anywhere else in the world?  Terrorist acts seem to circle the globe these days. For those desiring to visit Europe, but who still …

5 Tips for Winterizing Your Home

5 Tips for Winterizing Your Home Taking the time to prepare your home for winter before winter arrives will help ensure that you can stay warm and cozy in your house when it’s cold outside. Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t bother winterizing their home – and they pay dearly for it during the worst conditions of …