
 Five Ways to Travel Safer in Europe


Five Ways to Travel Safer in Europe

News headlines screaming terrorist attacks in Europe raise concerns about tourist travel there.  The real question, however, is this: Is Europe any less safe than anywhere else in the world?  Terrorist acts seem to circle the globe these days. For those desiring to visit Europe, but who still have safety concerns, here are five suggestions to reduce the chances of being exposed to potential dangers:

  1. Travel off the beaten path.  Europe has so many beautiful places to see and enjoy, that a traveler doesn’t need to stick to the best-known sites or most familiar landmarks.  Look for other adventures instead. Both Portugal and Spain offer many centuries-old cities, ancient architecture, beautiful beaches, and vibrant cultures. Visit Barcelona or Madrid in Spain, or Porto or Lisbon in Portugal. Scotland and Ireland are delightful with their castles, lochs, and rugged seasides, as are the gardens in the Netherlands, parks in Denmark, and fjords in Norway and Sweden. While you are at it, don’t forget Eastern Europe.  Countries like Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, and Slovenia offer rich histories that go back to Roman times, with walled cities, beautiful cathedrals, gorgeous scenery, and modern bistros and shopping.


  1. Travel out of season. If you want to see the famous places in Europe, check out the current political atmosphere in the various countries, and then plan to go in an off-season. Schedule landmark visits earlier in the day or later in the evening when the crowds are smaller and less attractive to those malcontents wanting their actions to make big headlines. Fewer people also means more private time with tour guides and museum docents. Not only are beaches, shops, and restaurants less likely to be crowded during the off-season, but you probably will see lower rates for hotels and tours as well.


  1. Rent a car. European countrysides contain many lovely places, beautiful people, and great hospitality.  Bed-and-breakfast inns provide opportunities for getting to know the locals who, by the way, can recommend the best places to eat, drink, and explore. Get to know the best wineries and cheese places in France, the best cigars and beaches in Italy, and the best beer and pretzels in Germany. Your rented car can take you to the out-of-the-way places with their hidden treasures.  Also, unchained from scheduled tours, you have the freedom to go where you like, when you want. Check online for more information on some of the recommended road trips, such as the High Alpine Road in Austria, Trolls Road in Norway, the North Coast 500 in Scotland, and the Transfagarasan Mountain Road in Romania.


  1. Take a river cruise.  European river cruises are increasing in popularity and offer a comprehensive way to see top sights from a different perspective.  While stops are pre-planned, travelers can choose attractions to visit accompanied by an expert guide. Services and food are excellent on most of these cruises. Travel the Danube, the Rhine, and Rhone rivers just for a start.


  1. Take the train.  European trains are still a great way to get around.  They offer rail passes for unlimited travel or point-to-point rides if you know where you want to go.  You can reserve reclining seats and sleeping berths for longer trips or take the high-speed bullet train to get there in a hurry.  Rail travel, however, offers such a variety of choices, travelers can get confused.  Check online for companies that can take care of all the details with a European train tour.


While choosing safer places and times to travel, do not neglect common sense safety principles.  These safeguards would include going with others and avoiding going out alone, especially after dark.  Steer clear of seedy-looking neighborhoods.  Be alert to those around you and note any suspicious behavior.  Locate the nearest police station and keep the emergency phone number handy. Familiarize yourself with hotel exits in case the need arises.  Make sure your cell phone works in Europe and keep it with you at all times.  Choose only reputable tour agencies to plan your trip.

Terrorists want to generate fear and get the splashiest headlines they can.  That often means hitting the most crowded places or favorite hangouts at the busiest times. Play it smart and plan your visits at safer times and in safer venues, and exercise reasonable safety precautions. Then, relax and get the most out of your visit to Europe!

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