Home Maintenance

Freeing Your Property: How To Get Rid Of Tree Stumps


Trees are everywhere, and although they provide shade and other resources that make life more comfortable, they also transform into stumps at the end of their life cycle. Not only are stumps an eyesore and safety hazard, but removing them is a difficult and expensive chore. Thankfully, you can make it a more pleasant experience with careful planning, and by using the tips highlighted below.

Why remove stumps?
Few people like to look at stumps, and many property owners feel that they take up too much space. Even worse, tall stumps sometimes have dead limbs that could fall at any time. If they are a rotten enough the entire stump could even tip over!

Stumps also provide refuge for mammals that carry disease, or annoying insects. Living stumps will keep growing until someone removes them, and this is why it is a smart strategy to move or kill them as early as you can.

Diagnose your stumps.
All stump removal companies know that some stumps are easier to remove than others, depending on their size, species, and location. As a general rule, the larger and older a stump is, the harder it is to clear away. As they age, their roots will grow deeper and longer, creating an even larger mass of wood to deal with.

Evergreen trees are easier to clear away than deciduous varieties because their roots are shorter and shallower. If you can, always note which type of tree each stump belongs to, and its size. Then you can research the most logical ways to get rid of them and figure out which stumps to target.


Use removal services.
Stump removal experts recommend using professional companies to remove large stumps. It is a lot of work to dig out a stump manually, and it takes more time and energy than most property owners want to spend. Even worse, manually digging a stump yourself only works if you can dig roots out to their tips; an almost impossible task if your stumps are hardwoods or are too large.

You could also buy chemicals to rot small stumps, a process which can take several months. The process includes digging and filling holes with chemicals. If you do decide to rot your stumps, then make sure to keep children and pets away. Chemical removers are poisonous.

Bear in mind, too, that they will leave a large pile of sawdust behind. It will have a large volume of air at first, so you should let it settle before removing it manually. You can even let it rot naturally, returning its absorbed nitrogen to the soil to help your other plants grow.

Burning the stump is another method you can use, and it was the most popular choice before grinding was available. Stump burning is illegal in many areas, however, and you should always check before trying it.

Burning a stump is a simple process; just start a fire with the stump at the center. As long as you keep it burning the stump will gradually turn to ash. Once the stump is gone, refill the hole with the soil of your choice. It might take more dirt than you think: stumps leave many empty cavities underground that you can’t see.

Hiring a stump removal company.
If you do decide to hire professionals to remove your stumps, then treat them like any other company and do your research. Compare prices, read customer reviews, and talk to them directly. Most companies charge by the inch, so measure your stumps and figure out how many of them you can afford to clear. It’s also a good idea to ask if they will remove your stumps from your property. Many do but charge a fee.

You could also get rid of stumps yourself by letting them rot, turning them into wood chips, or taking advantage of government services. Asking local authorities if they take stumps in yard waste is a smart idea since putting pieces of wood in yard waste containers is much easier and cheaper than other disposal methods. Just remember that many localities don’t take stumps in yard debris, so don’t set your expectations too high.

Stumps pose a real problem for homeowners, preventing them from enjoying their space safely. But removing them has its risks, and every homeowner should calmly think over their options before they start clearing the property.

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