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Get Rid Of Weed! Thanks To The Tips Of This Gardener, Your Garden Will Be Wonderful Again


When the temperatures become pleasant and the sun starts shining again, you can expect miracles for your garden. Everything grows and blooms. Unfortunately not only your plants and flowers .. Weeds too .. Before you get to the chemicals and expensive weed killers, first read the following tips.

1. Hot water With this tip, all the weeds will melt like snow in the sun. Simply pour a jar of boiling hot water over the weeds. Of course, be careful with your beautiful plants and flowers, because such a warm bath is not pleasant for them.


2. Woodchips In order to grow and survive, weeds need light. It is therefore an effective idea to cover the soil with woodchips. That way weeds get less chance to grow and to overrun your garden. This requires a thick layer of woodchips.

3. Baking soda Does weeds grow between your garden tiles on your terrace? Baking soda can help you! Sprinkle some salt between the tiles. Sweep it between the tiles where the weeds grow. The plants can not grow well in a salty soil and will soon disappear.

4. Vinegar Vinegar works extremely well against a common type of weed. Dandelions occur throughout the Netherlands and can be extremely difficult to get rid of. Spray a little vinegar on the dandelions and they will disappear quickly.

5. Dishwasher Mix 5 tablespoons of liquid detergent with 4 cups of water and place in a spray bottle. Shake gently and your spray is ready. Spray generously on the weeds, and let the detergent and the sun work together in harmony.

6. Vodka Strong drink and weeds are not a good combination. Mix 30 ml of vodka with a few drops of liquid detergent and 2 cups of water. Put this in a spray bottle and use it to fight the weeds. The alcohol will dry out the plants and make it disappear.

7. Corn gluten flour Corn gluten flour has a double effect. Not only will the weed quickly disappear when you sprinkle it in your garden, it also takes care of your other plants for nutrient rich soil.

These solutions for removing weeds are effective and inexpensive. Who are you going to share these useful tips on Facebook with?

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