Remodeling & Renovation

Important Things You Should Know About Mold in Your Home


For many homeowners, checking the validity of a home warranty is usually limited to mechanical repairs; very few people consider mold as an actual cause for concern. So what happens when mold in your home becomes a problem? Does your home warranty cover you sufficiently in case you have to deal with a mold problem?

Do home warranties cover mold?

Most companies that offer home warranties DON’T provide any provision for damage resulting from mold. You can, however, check if your home warranty provider indicates anything regarding plumbing problems or roof leaks. If it is indicated, then you have the advantage of claiming your warranty for these kinds of damages. It may not be mold, but these issues are on a list of some of the most common causes of a mold build up in homes. So getting them fixed can prevent you from having a mold problem in the first place.


What do I do if I find black mold in my house?

If you do manage to find the affected area before it gets out of hand, then there are a couple of DIY tips you could use to get rid of the mold. Professional mold remediation services can be quite expensive, which is why it would be more convenient and better on your pocket to handle the problem yourself.

Note that black mold can be lethal, so if you do decide to handle it yourself, always ensure you have on protective gear. You’ll need to protect your face with a respiratory mask and any form of eye protection. You should also ensure you have gloves and clothing, so your skin doesn’t come into direct contact with the mold.

  • Get rid of any items that are beyond saving. If any of the items in your home are too moldy to keep, put them in a bag, preferably plastic, and get rid of them.
  • Tape plastic around the affected area and on other parts of the room before you do anything. This prevents the mold from spreading and complicating your work.
  • Ensure you have a hard-bristled, stiff brush. This will come in handy when you need to loosen mold from various parts of your home. Loosen as much of it as you can. Don’t be too enthusiastic about brushing mold off, though; you want to remove it, not spread it everywhere.
  • Rinse the area several times until all the stains are gone, then get rid of all the tools you used in the cleaning process. Remember, black mold is hazardous, so don’t be tempted to use these tools again.
  • Lastly, make it a point to get any leaks fixed, and check your home regularly to ensure the mold doesn’t show up again.

When to call professional mold remediation services

Mold has a rather distinctive smell, and in most cases, it starts in hard to reach places. So if at any point you smell it, but you can’t find it, then you will need to call a pro.

Mold tends to affect children and older people adversely. It can also be brutal on people with respiratory problems like asthma or bronchitis, so if your home has any people with these conditions, then you need to call a pro.

DIY tips are usually for small patches of mold that build up around leaky pipes. If it gets to a point where it starts crawling up walls and becomes overwhelming, you should seek professional help; don’t be a hero.

How much it costs to remove mold from your house

Mold remediation services are typically pricey, but it all depends on the level of infestation, as well as the amount of damage caused. The costs vary from $15 to around $30 per square foot, so the more the footage, the more expensive it will be to get rid of it.

Note that anything less than 10 square feet can be easily remedied without the need for a pro. Anything beyond that point becomes dangerous to you and your family. Although it may seem expensive, completely getting rid of mold is a complex process that requires proper gear and equipment. If you don’t have these, then it’s best to leave it to the professionals, for your safety.

The cost varies based on how bad the situation is, but on average, you may spend anywhere between $500 to about $6000 to handle your mold problem.

Can I stay in my house with black mold?

The short answer is no. Keep in mind that mold is alive, it feeds, and it grows. Chances are you have probably already lived in a house with black mold and not even realized it. Mold doesn’t just show up, it develops over time, and the more it grows, the riskier it becomes for you and your family. There are several dangers attached to black mold, and although you can stay in a house with it, you shouldn’t push your luck.

What most people are unaware of is that black mold is one of the most dangerous fungi forms, and it can cause anything from respiratory distress to severe allergic reactions. Living with black mold is especially risky for people with compromised immune systems, and, in some cases, it results in serious complications.

Prevention is always the best course of action. Fixing leaks and cracks in walls save you time and money. Always be keen, be proactive, and check for mold in any dark corners; getting rid of it in time will keep it from overwhelming you in the future.

Bottom line

As long as you have leaky pipes, a defective draining system in bathrooms, or any puddled water in your home, then you will always have to contend with mold. The only way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to prevent its growth by fixing all these issues. Properly ventilating your home also makes it difficult for mold to thrive, so having an air conditioner and regularly opening doors and windows can be just as effective.

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