Home Maintenance

Indoor Plants that Boost Air Quality


Indoor Plants that Boost Air Quality

Picture this: you’ve just had a long day. There was a deadline you had to meet, then you were stuck in traffic for what seems like a lifetime. You get home, and the only thing on your mind is getting some well-deserved sleep in the comfort of your snuggly bed. Morning comes and despite ample hours of rest, something doesn’t feel right. Your head is throbbing and you feel groggy and tired. Even the usual morning dose of caffeine doesn’t seem to help.

The most likely culprit is sick building syndrome, a condition that results from indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, or household disinfectants and pesticides. Indoor plants provide a safe and quick fix for your air quality woes. A study by NASA in conjunction with a group of scientists directed by environmental engineer, Dr. B.C. Wolverton, found that when indoor house plants are placed in a confined chamber with certain chemicals present, the plants did a stellar job at eliminating those chemicals. The study concluded that certain indoor plants, due to their photosynthetic ability, hold the capacity to clear pollutants in homes and offices, making them an excellent addition to various habitable spaces.

Which plants should you look for?

There are several plant species out there that are both available and affordable to help get your living space in better shape. Depending on the plant’s needs, such as water and sunlight, you can easily find an ideal plant that won’t be too much of a hassle to take care of. Here are some plants to consider.


Peace Lily

Great at removing substances such as benzene (an ingredient in lubricants, detergents, dyes, and rubbers), acetone and formaldehyde, the Peace Lily also has a high rate of transpiration to purify and humidify air indoors. It’s one of the few tropical plants that thrive indoors with minimal care. Ideally, it should be watered properly, then allowed to dry a bit in-between watering. To prevent pests like spider mites, its leaves should be washed and misted using warm water.


Considered to be one of the best plants for removing trichloroethylene (a substance produced by your home fridge) from the air, Dracaena is also easy to grow. The mature plant has characteristic long and wide leaves and can live for decades if well maintained. It does well in indirect sunlight and can adapt to even lower light levels if watering is minimized. During winter, water the plant less often and regularly mist with warm water while plucking any dead leaves.

Boston Fern

The Boston fern ranks best in its ability to remove formaldehyde from the air. Home items such as floor coverings and gas stoves release formaldehyde, making this plant a great addition to any living space. It’s more inclined towards cool environments with bright, indirect sunlight. Pests such as whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites may be controlled using soapy-water spray. Potting soil enriched with humus supports the plant’s nutritional needs and reduces the need for daily watering.

Bamboo palm

With its high ability to remove formaldehyde from the air, the Bamboo Palm can also efficiently eliminate benzene and trichloroethylene. Green fan-like leaves found in clusters on the plant’s slim stalks add humidity to the room while providing a sort of tropical ambiance. While the Bamboo Palm prefers to remain moist, it doesn’t do well when over-watered or left in standing water. Bamboo Palms may attract spider mites, which can be controlled by spraying a bit of soapy water.

Other honorable mentions include Weeping Figs, Aloe Vera, Spider Plants, and Garden Mums.


Indoor plants are a great addition to any living space also for living in a Tiny House. Small as they are, these plants have a big impact on the quality of the air you breath. Next time you’re out and about, consider picking up one of these potted companions and transform the quality of your indoor air.

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