
Tips For Eluding Pickpockets On Your Holiday


A bag-snatching or pickpocketing incident can all too easily ruin a holiday of a lifetime. Daylight robberies of this nature are notoriously frequent, especially in popular tourist spots, so if you’re planning a trip, you’ll need some security measures in place for your valuables. These tips will help you prepare suitable strategies for eluding those wandering fingers throughout your holiday.

Leave prized possessions at home

Be selective in the jewelry, finery, and equipment you take on your travels. While it’s fun to dress up smartly on holiday, and handy to have your favorite gadgets and other accessories, it may be worth leaving your most prized ones at home, or in the care of a friend or relative, rather than running the risk of having them pinched. The fewer security burdens you have, the more relaxed you’ll feel.


Secure your cards and pins

Notify your credit or debit card providers of your planned trip, with details of dates and destinations. That will ensure they don’t inadvertently bar your overseas transactions for security reasons, while still enabling them to stop any suspicious-looking withdrawals until verified. If you keep penned notes of your PINs, remember to store them separately from your cards. You could also add an easy-to-remember digit to each note to block any fraudulent use, reminding yourself to ignore that extra figure.

Arrange safe travel storage

Arrange a safe way of carrying your wallet, passport, and other precious possessions during your vacation. You’ll need ready access to them, so arrange a secure but convenient hiding place on your body, such as a money-belt or pouch under your clothes, or an inner pocket with a fastening. Avoid hand-held purses and shoulder bags, as they can quickly be grabbed or foraged while something or someone diverts your attention. Shoulder straps can also be snipped off a bag or camera, without the wearer noticing, making them doubly insecure. Backpacks are similarly susceptible to pilfering unless secured right around with robust coverings and seals. Various security gadgets are available on the market for added protection against pickpockets. Check online for options, prices, and reviews.

Take extra care in crowds and queues

Closely packed gatherings, such as queues, shoppers and sightseeing groups, inevitably attract pick-pockets. Tightly crammed paces, such as trains, buses, markets and tourist attractions, provide ideal opportunities for stealthy fingers, so avoid busy times or places when possible, and when you can’t, be extra vigilant. You can also deter thieves by keeping valuable items out of sight and dressing modestly. Mobile phones are a particular attraction, so keep yours stowed away until you’re free of the crowds.

Watch your table or patch

You’ll be looking forward to relaxing over drinks and meals on your vacation, but bear in mind that the more relaxed you are, the easier it is for thieves to operate. Avoid hanging your bag from your chair, for instance, and leave nothing unguarded on the table, even for a moment. Take the same precautions on the beach, and in any public space where you may be tempted to wander off, turn around or doze. If you want a dip in the sea, perhaps take turns with others in your party, leaving someone in charge of valuables at all times. Where lockers or safes are available, make use of them. If you’re staying in a hotel, they may offer safe storage for items you don’t need that day.

By planning your security tactics carefully, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your holiday to the full. Afterwards, when your holiday is over, you can cheer yourself with the thought that you’ve brought all your valuables safely home with you.

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