Remodeling & Renovation

Tips for furnishing your nursery with a smaller budget


Having a baby is expensive. You have to buy many things that you do not have in your home yet, so the costs will quickly add up. The same applies to a nursery. This can be very expensive when you do all your shopping at a baby store. Fortunately, you can create a beautiful nursery on a smaller budget. You certainly do not have to compromise on quality either. We have 9 tips to help you realize a beautiful nursery on a smaller budget. This way, you do not have to postpone, and you can furnish it to your taste right away. A nursery has a few essential components that you cannot do without. With our tips, you can furnish a beautiful and practical nursery in a designed and budget-proof way.

1. Planning
This may sound very logical, but do not blindly walk into a store! Write down exactly what you need and tie your budget to it. This makes it a lot easier to see how much you can spend, and more importantly, on what! When you work this way, you avoid bad purchases. Look for inspiration, and then try to find the things you like for the matching budget. It may take more time, but it is actually more fun! So the room will be decorated exactly the way you had in mind. Win-win!

2. Orient yourself online
It is great fun to enter stores and get inspiration for a nursery. But it can be tricky when you are really looking for a particular piece of furniture or accessory. Does this one or the other one match better with the floor? How about the prices? What material was the previous piece of furniture made of? You get a much better overview when you orient yourself online! This way, you can immediately compare certain pieces of furniture and save a lot of money this way. You may find the exact same cupboard on another site for much less! So our tip is: Browse the stores, but when you really have to make choices and decisions, make good use of the internet first!

3. Opt for a cradle or crib?
You can already picture it, this tiny person in a small cradle. Super cute! Unfortunately, a cradle only lasts a very short time because they quickly grow out of it, and they are very expensive. Precisely because a cradle only lasts a short time, it is a shame to spend a large part of your budget on this. Instead, ask friends or family if they have a cradle you can borrow, for example, and spend the money you save on a so-called extendable bed. You can extend this a few times as your child grows. It may be slightly more expensive than a baby cot, but it lasts much longer and saves you a lot of money in the long run!

4. Choice of material and color
Painting a nursery in a cute pink or blue is great fun! But will you still like it after a few years? By the time your child turns 16, most of them have worn out an average of 4 different room designs. This is normal. You want to start with a sweet nursery and then grow into a cool toddler room. As your child gets older, they will have specific hobbies and preferences that you will want to adapt to the room. Fortunately, you do not have to stick to one decor for too long because the nursery can very easily be combined with a toddler’s room! Look for the right colors on the wall or for a nice wallpaper that you will not get tired of easily. This way, you can transform the room with some accessories into a toddler room in no time.

5. Mix and match
In a nursery, you need a lot of closet space. This takes up a lot of space. As a result, there is often little space for a changing table, for example, while it is very much needed! Therefore, combine a handy cabinet with many drawers and a dresser. There are many cabinets on the market that have the perfect dresser height, so you immediately have all your belongings at hand! Fill the closet with diapers, wipes, onesies, and clothes. This way you can easily save a lot of space and money. And it is also very practical!


6. Second-hand
For those who are rather handy and creative, second-hand items are true gems! Browse your local thrift store or ask friends and family if they have anything useful lying around. Often this furniture is a bit older and needs to be refurbished. Perfect! This way, you can adapt the item perfectly to your wishes, and it will fit seamlessly into the new nursery. Found a nice cupboard? Sand it and paint it in the desired color. Bet you would not have found this unique item anywhere else? We are fans!

7. Wall stickers and decoration
A nursery or children’s room immediately brightens up with nice wall decoration. Often paintings or posters are quite expensive, but did you know that there are much nicer options? Consider, for example, wall stickers! An option that does not have to be expensive and is much more fun than a painting. This way, you can stick it in a unique place and give the room a nice boost! Do you want something on the wall but do not want to spend a lot of money on expensive posters? Take a look online. There are great printables out there. Score a few pretty, inexpensive frames somewhere and print the content yourself. You will not notice a difference, and it is just as fun as that expensive poster!

8. Eyecatchers
We hope you have already come a long way to create a budget-proof nursery with the previous tips. The tips often boil down to the same thing: basic so that it will last longer. But of course, we understand that you also want to personalize the nursery! This is quite possible with nice accessories. It is a perfect way to add character to a nursery. Go for real eye-catchers so that you need less material to achieve the desired result. Go for a unique rug, a lovely lamp, or pretty storage containers. Get nice baskets, for example. You then combine decor with practicality.

When you find the perfect but above your agreed budget item, it is tempting to go for it right away. Because you are certain that this is exactly what you are looking for! Of course, you could up your budget and go for it, but patience is a virtue! You often have plenty of time to furnish the nursery, so you can wait until your favorite item goes on sale! Products are usually seasonal or on sale suddenly. This way, you can easily save money and still buy that nice luxury item!

We hope that these tips will help you create your perfect nursery! It does not take a lot of money to furnish something nicely. You are guaranteed to succeed with these tips! Who should definitely read these tips? Be sure to share this article with your friends then!




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