Tiny Houses

What this 18 square meter tiny house looks like on the inside is magnificent


This house looks really amazing on the inside! Nowadays, you have to have a lot of equity to buy a house. That is why many young families, single people, and adventurers choose to live smaller. The benefits, however, are huge. Among other things, you save a lot of money on fixed mortgage charges, insurance, and notary fees!

We never expected this house to look so great from the outside and the inside. This couple had their tiny house built by an architect and a construction company specialized in tiny homes of up to 30 square meters.


Because you can save a lot of money on mortgage charges, you can invest that money to nicely furnish your house. That’s not all either, you can even move the house by car and make beautiful trips with it! The interior is really unreal.

This interior of this tiny house is really impressive!

Because the house is only 18 square meters, you really have to make optimum use of all the space inside to turn it into a full-fledged house. Below, you can see the amazing result of the current interior.

The living area looks beautiful; everything is nicely finished with durable wooden materials. There is also a large open kitchen as well as a spacious living room and dining room. The couch has a great advantage as it consists of separate parts that allow you to turn it into a bed for guests.

Above the spacious bathroom and toilet, a separate bedroom is built for two people to sleep in. The 18 square meter space allows room for two to three people to sleep and live. Wouldn’t you love to travel the world with this house?

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