Tiny Houses

What this housing unit looks like on the inside is unreal


I never expected such a tiny home to have this interior! House prices are rising drastically all over the world every year. This is partly because there is more demand than supply. Because of this, you need to have a good permanent job if you want to be able to borrow enough money from a bank or mortgage provider.


Willem is 26 years old and he has been looking for a house for years. Unfortunately, he has not been able to buy a house through a real estate agent because he does not earn enough to borrow money from a financing company. What he made of this particular unit was really impressive!

In theory, he could have a transport company move his container several times a year in order to visit different countries or cities with his home. We never thought you could live in this!

Willem came up with the idea to buy a new shipping container to fix up from the inside thanks to his job as an import inspector at the harbor. His goal was to eventually live in this unit. No friend or colleague expected the end result!

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