Home Maintenance

You can furnish a small bedroom with these 6 useful tips


A bedroom should be the ultimate place to relax. Room size should not play a role in this! Do you have a tiny bedroom? No problem, with the right tips, you can turn it into a fantastic space. However, furnishing can be tricky. A lot of furniture, such as a bed or a wardrobe, is often very large. There would only be little space left. We have 6 tips on how to use a tiny bedroom optimally and turn it into a nice place in your house!

1 Nightstand
A nightstand is a practical piece of furniture in your bedroom; simply leaving it out is not convenient. Have you ever thought of replacing your nightstand with wall shelves? This way, you can easily create a lot of space! What is also very nice is one long shelf behind the bed so that you also have room for nice accessories.

2 Bright colors
By using color on your walls, you can determine the atmosphere of the room. A bedroom is undoubtedly the right place to go nuts with colors. Ideally, you would use your favorite color! Is this a dark color? Then it is best not to use this as a wall color. With bright walls, the room appears much larger. However, a white bedroom can look a bit cold and unattractive. You can easily bring back warmth and atmosphere by using two colors on the wall! Paint the ceiling and the top part of the wall white, and paint the walls underneath in the color you want, even a dark color! Dark colors combined with the crisp white give a beautiful and attractive result.

3 Furniture with storage space
Of course, you have a closet with storage space, but there are more options! Most people find a bed the most important thing in a bedroom. Preferably it should be nice and big, but this is a waste of space in a small bedroom, right? No, it is not! We have found a perfect solution for that. There are many beds and box springs available with built-in storage space. For example, by purchasing a nice spacious box spring with this option, you can store a lot of stuff without wasting valuable space. This way, you can easily store a lot of shoes and bags in your bed. Or how about your summer or winter clothing? This way, you can get a smaller closet and have more space for a large bed!


4 Loft bed
Do you have a small room at your disposal as a children’s room but would you also like your kids to have their own place to play? Then a loft bed is the perfect solution! This way, you do not lose any space due to the bed and children can create a wonderful place for themselves underneath the bed. You could build nice huts, but you can also make a play area or place a desk where you can draw or study. Put the bed against the wall and it really becomes a concealed space. Then, you often still have enough space next to the bed for a closet so that you can easily access clothing and bed linen!

5 Clothes rack
Everyone likes to have a lot of closet space, but this is not always possible in a small bedroom! You often have space for a small closet, but then you still lack a lot of space. The solution: use a clothes rack! This way, you can neatly store all the clothes that should be hung, and you can fold the rest and put it in a small closet. A clothes rack almost always has wheels so you can easily move it if you have to reach something! This way you can easily put it in the hallway when you need more space. An ideal and above all budget-proof solution!

6 Mirror
A mirror in the bedroom is a great accessory. This way, you can immediately see whether the outfit you had put together is just as nice as you had envisioned. However, a mirror has another big advantage! Because it is the perfect solution to make a small space appear bigger. It is also great because it does not take up extra space, so you do not lose valuable space. A flat wall mirror can fit anywhere, even on your door! This gives you an easy and effective way to immediately make that small space look bigger.





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